Pecha Kucha Night Brisbane
Pecha Kucha Night is a worldwide phenomenon. Beginning in Tokyo in 2003, this renowned design presentation format (20 slides, 20 seconds per slide) was pioneered by Klein Dytham Architecture. It is patented to keep the presentations concise, inspiring, interesting and to the point. Pecha Kucha Night provides a relaxed forum for designers to present and showcase their work, skills and ideas. Expect a social and engaging night out, with fresh ideas, discussion drinks and a vibrant crowd.
Speakers for the evening will be:
Richard Coulson, Architect, COX Architecture
Janina Gosseye, UQ School of Architecture - Architecture Theory Criticism and History (ATCH)
Angus Munro, Architect, Marc+Co
Timothy Hill, Architect, Partners Hill
Niini Mendonca and Kali Marnane, Anganwadi Project, India
Aaron Peters, Architect, Vokes and Peters