​John Ellway



John Ellway Architect



John Ellway runs a small architectural practice and loves creating places where people live, inspired by their stories of travel and family memories. He strives to create simple, functional buildings that delight and surprise through the control of light, shadow and landscape, with a focus on local materials, climates and social relationships.

One of his projects, Terrarium House, won the 2019 National Architecture Awards’ Eleanor Cullis-Hill Award, state-level Elina Mottram Award and Regional House of the Year, as well as a 2018 Houses Award. His Three House won Houses magazine’s 2021 House of the Year. In 2022, Cascade House won a National Architecture Award and a Houses Award. John completed a bachelor of design at the Queensland College of Art and a master of architecture at the University of Queensland. Before pursuing architecture, he worked in graphic design, 3D design and wayfinding with multidisciplinary companies in Australia and the UK.

Follow John on Instagram: @jellway

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